

The latest spin on a ransom note isn't composed of letters clipped out of a newspaper. Now criminals are unleashing brash attacks on your PC and its data through a type of malicious software called ransomware. Yes, I am talking about the cyber-attack that wreaked havoc across the world over the starting month of May 2016. By starting of the week ransomware had targeted around 200,000 organizations in 150 countries. It is a kind of cyber-attack that involves hackers taking control of a computer or mobile device and demanding payment. More specifically it is for data kidnapping, an exploit in which the attacker encrypts the victim's data and demands payment for the decryption key, this program may also be called a cryptovirus, cryptotrojan or cryptoworm. What it actually does? It uses Cerber to do so. Let me explain cerber a little it is a is a ransomware-type malware that infiltrates the system and encrypts various file types including .jpg, .doc, .raw, .avi, etc. Cerbe